
Online booking form

Important: If this form does not fit your needs, do not hesitate to contact us. we are 100% flexible

Choose a Course:

Nº of weeks:

Start Date (Mondays only):

What is your Spanish level?:


How did you find out about Spanish Heaven?

Last Name:

First Name:


Native language:

Birth date:



Passport nº:



Zip Code:



Phone number (country/city dial number):




Skype address:

Please indicate your payment method
Visa, American express or Master card
Bank Transfer

Transfer bank details (all bank charges are paid by the sender)

Amount: 125 €
Account number (IBAN) CAJA RURAL DEL SUR: ES10 3187 0007 4125 2975 9223
Swift bic code: BCOEESMM187
Payable to: Montagut IyF Slu
In payment of: Order number (supplied after booking)

Please send us a copy of bank proof by fax (+ 34 902602782).

Card details (Fill this out only if you are paying by this method)

Name of Holder:

Credit Card Number:

Expiration Date (MMYY):

CVC2 (Three-digit (Visa-Mastercard) on back or four-digit (American express) on the front:

I agree with all the Spanish heaven conditions.

I would like to receive updates about your courses

Please enter the access code as displayed above:

As defined in the Data Protection Act 1998, you have the right to access, correct or remove the personal information retained.
If you wish to do this, please contact us.
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  • Spanish Heaven
  • Avda. de La Orden 31, Huelva - Huelva, 21005, Spain
  • Tlf:: +34 959 545 076
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Montagut ingeniería y formación Slu, CIF: B21433388, C/ Elena Montagut, nº 7, 21005 Huelva - Spain

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