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The Present tense is used to describe what you usually do: I sing, you study, he drinks.
The Present tense has three different types of endings depending on the type of verb: -AR, -ER, -IR

-AR verbs
Examples : Cantar (to sing),
Take the stem of the verb (the verb form without the -ar) and add these endings:
-o, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an

Yo canto I sing
Tú cantas You sing
El canta He sings
Ella canta She sings
Usted canta You sing (formal)
Nosotros(as) cantamos We sing
Vosotros(as)  cantáis You sing
Ellos cantan They sing
Ellas cantan They sing
Ustedes cantan You sing

-ER verbs
Examples: Beber (to drink),
Take the stem of the verb (the infinitive without the -er) and add these endings:
-o, -es, -e, -emos, -eis, -en

Yo bebo I drink
Tú bebes You drink
El bebe He drinks
Ella bebe She drinks
Ud. bebe You drink (formal)
Nosotros(as) bebemosWe drink
Vosotros bebéis You drink
Ellos beben They (m) drink
Ellas beben They (f) drink
Uds. beben You drink

-IR verbs
Examples: partir (to leave),
Take the stem of the verb (the infinitive without the -ir) and add these endings:
-o, -es, -e, -emos, -is, -en

Yo parto I leave
Tú partes You leave
El parte He leaves
Ella parte She leaves
Ud. parte You leave (formal)
Nosotros(as) partimos We leave
Vosotros partís You leave
Ellos parten They(m) leave
Ellas parten They (f) leave
Uds.parten You leave

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